PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company, Tbk

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Lowongan Kerja PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company, Tbk –  Lowongan kerja PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company, Tbk sedang dibuka untuk muda – mudi Indonesia yang siap mengemban tugas dan juga memberikan kontribusi kepada PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company, Tbk. PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company, Tbk merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang makanan dan minuman. Perusahaan ini menghasilak produk susu, teh dan keju.

PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company, Tbk merupakan perusahaan multinasional yang memproduksi minuman yang bermarkas di Padalarang, Kab. Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat. Beralamat di Jl. Raya Cimareme 131, Padalarang, Kab. Bandung. Ultrajaya menggunakan sistem komputerisasi yang sudah terintegrasi, yaitu SAP, sejak tahun 2002. Bahkan perusahaan ini merupakan salah satu rujukan implementor SAP yang dinilai cukup sukses di dalam mengadopsi hampir semua modul SAP. Akan tetapi karena berbagai pertimbangan dan bisnis proses yang semakin kompleks, akhirnya pada tahun 2012 mengganti system mereka ke Oracle EBS R.12 yang bisa membuat system terintegrasi dengan Robot ASRS, suatu pencapaian yang sangat membanggakan bagi Ultrajaya. Sampai sekarang Project Oracle menjadi acuan untuk implementasi di anak-anak perusahaan Ultrajaya yang lain.

Pada saat tahun 1958, PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company, Tbk didirikan kemudian menjadi suatu entitas perseroan terbatas pada tahun 1971. Perusahaan ini merupakan pionir di bidang industri minuman dalam kemasan di Indonesia, dan sekarang memiliki mesin pemroses minuman tercanggih se-Asia Tenggara. Pada awalnya perusahaan yang berawal dari sebuah rumah di Jl. Tamblong Dalam, Bandung ini hanya memproduksi susu. Namun seiring perkembangannya, Ultrajaya juga memproduksi jus dalam kemasan bermerek Buavita dan Gogo serta memproduksi Teh Kotak, Sari Asem Asli dan Sari Kacang Ijo. Sejak tahun 2008 merek Buavita dan Gogo dibeli oleh Unilever Indonesia sehingga Ultrajaya bisa kembali ke bisnis utamanya, yaitu produksi susu. Perusahaan yang didirikan oleh Ahmad Prawirawidjaja ini, seorang pengusaha Tionghoa yang sudah bermukim di Bandung, sekarang dikomandani oleh generasi kedua, yaitu Sabana Prawirawidjaja, dan siap-siap diteruskan kepada generasi ketiga, Samudera Prawirawidjaja.


“Menjadi perusahaan industri makanan dan minuman yang terbaik dan terbesar di Indonesia, dengan senantiasa mengutamakan kepuasan konsumen, dan menjungjung tinggi kepercayaan para pemegang saham serta mitra kerja perusahaan.”

“Menjalankan usaha yang dilandasi dengan kepekaan yang tinggi untuk senantiasa berorientasi kepada pasar atau konsumen, dan kepekaan serta kepedulian untuk senantiasa memperhatikan lingkungan yang dilakukan secara optimal agar dapat memberikan nilai tambah sebagai wujud pertanggung jawaban kepada pemegang saham.”


Produk PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company, Tbk

Ultra Milk
Ultra Milk merupakan susu kotak UHT pertama dan terpopuler di Indonesia. Ultra Milk tersedia dalam pilihan rasa:

  • Ultra Milk Susu UHT Full Cream (Kotak 1 liter, 250 ml, 200ml)
  • Ultra Milk Susu UHT Rasa Coklat (Kotak 1 liter, 250 ml, 200 ml, 125 ml)
  • Ultra Milk Susu UHT Rasa Stroberi (Kotak 250 ml, 200 ml, 125 ml)
  • Ultra Milk Susu UHT Rasa Moka (Kotak 250 ml, 200 ml)
  • Ultra Milk Low Fat Hi-Calcium Full Cream (Kotak 1 liter, 250 ml, 200 ml)
  • Ultra Milk Low Fat Hi-Calcium Rasa Coklat (Kotak 1 liter, 250 ml, 200 ml)


Ultra Susu Kental Manis

  • Ultra SKM Full Cream
  • Ultra SKM Rasa Coklat


Ultra Mimi
Ultra Mimi merupakan susu kotak UHT yang cocok untuk anak-anak. Ultra Mimi (kotak 125 ml) tersedia dalam pilihan rasa:

  • Mimi Rasa Coklat
  • Mimi Rasa Vanila
  • Mimi Rasa Stroberi


Teh Kotak
Teh Kotak merupakan produk minuman teh dalam kemasan kotak pertama di Indonesia. Teh Kotak tersedia dalam pilihan kemasan:

  • Teh Kotak Jasmine Tea (kotak 500 ml, 200 ml plus ekstra 100 ml), Selain itu Teh Kotak juga mengeluarkan Teh Kotak Rasa Buah (kotak 200 ml plus ekstra 50 ml) yang tersedia dalam pilihan rasa:
  • Teh Kotak Rasa Apel
  • Teh Kotak Rasa Blackcurrant
  • Teh Kotak Rasa Jambu
  • Teh Kotak Rasa Jeruk
  • Teh Kotak Rasa Stroberi
  • Teh Kotak Rasa Lemon Madu


Kiyora merupakan produk minuman teh dalam kemasan botol. Diproduksi bersama Ito En dengan Ultrajaya. Kiyora tersedia dalam pilihan rasa:

  • Kiyora Teh Hijau
  • Kiyora Ekstra Teh Hijau
  • Kiyora Teh Susu
  • Kiyora Matcha Latte


Keju (kerjasama antara Kraft dan Ultrajaya)

  • Qeju
  • Kraft Singles
  • Kraft Cheddar
  • Kraft Quick Melt


Produk lain

  • Sari Asem Asli (Kotak 250ml)
  • Sari Kacang Ijo (Kotak 250ml)
  • Cap Sapi Krimer Kental Manis

Saat ini perusahaan sedang membuka lowongan kerja dengan beragam posisi. Kalau anda memang berminat untuk menjadi bagian dari PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company, Tbk, berikut syarat dan kualifikasi yang harus anda penuhi.

Lowongan Kerja PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk

1. PPIC & Production Storage Manager


Responsibilities :

  • Develop and implement materials and production planning schedules to ensure timely delivery of products based on the latest demand forecast at the lowest total cost.
  • Manage the strategy for sourcing RM, PM, and other materials, including the requested quantities and schedules with optimum working capital without sorting out of Finished Goods.
  • Ensuring stock cover of FG meets the demand and inventory materials are optimized to achieve the lowest working capital without any disruption in supplies.
  • Manage and maintain accurate production schedules and capacity planning.
  • Monitor and analyze production data to identify areas for improvement and cost & lead time reduction.

Qualifications :


  • Bachelor Degree in Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Industrial Technology, Business Administration or any related field.
  • Min. 3-5 years of managerial experience in the manufacturing industry (proven track record of success in supply chain & warehouse operations.
  • Deep knowledge and exposure to end-to-end supply chain and warehouse operations; demand planning and forecasting, inventory optimization, export-import processes, compliances, and customer service.

2. HR Organization Development Supervisor

Qualifications :

  • Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Industrial Engineering or any related field.
  • Minimum of 2 years of experience in organizational development or HR field.
  • Proven ability to design and deliver effective training programs.
  • Strong project management and facilitation skills.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Data-driven mindset with the ability to analyze and interpret data.

3. HR IR & Permit Supervisor


Qualifications :

  • Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Law, Engineering or any related field.
  • Minimum of 2 years of experience in industrial relations or HR field.
  • Strong knowledge of labor laws and regulations.
  • Excellent negotiation and conflict resolution skills.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

4. IT Infrastructure Supervisor

Qualifications :

  • Bachelors degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or any related field.
  • Minimum of 2 years of experience in IT infrastructure management.
  • Strong knowledge of ERP system, HRIS, networking, server administration and security protocols.
  • Excellent problem-solving and troubleshooting skills.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team.

5. Electrical & Automation Supervisor


Qualifications :

  • Bachelor/Diploma Degree in Mechatronic, Electroning Engineering or related field.
  • Min. 3 years experience in Planning, Project Control or Project Administration field.
  • Good understanding in electrical and engineering settings, drive motion, linear motion and Robotic systems.
  • Able to program PLC, HMI, SCADA, OPC and Visual Web base.
  • Able to read drawing technique, mechanical and wiring diagram/electrical installation.

6. Maintenance Planner Supervisor

Qualifications :

  • Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Mechatronics Engineering or related field.
  • Min. 3 years of experience in Planning, Project Control or Project Administration field.
  • Having strong knowledge on administration process on Combined Cycle.
  • Familiar with plant project scheduling.
  • Familiar with Material Management.
  • Familiar with reporting standards.
  • Familiar with ERP System.

7. Workshop & Building Maintenance Spv


Qualifications :

  • Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or related field.
  • Min. 5 years of experience in maintenance engineering, preferably in the dairy industry.
  • Min. 3 years of experience in project control adm.
  • Possess a strong understanding of utility and facility operations, particularly in ammonia/freon refrigeration systems and electrical distribution.
  • Proficient in reading & interpreting technical drawings (mechanical, wiring diagrams & electrical installations).

8. Utility & WWTP Supervisor

Qualifications :

  • Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or related field.
  • Min. 5 years of experience in utility operations, preferably in the dairy industry.
  • In-depth knowledge of utility and facility operations, including boilers, chillers, compressors, cooling towers, water treatment & wastewater treatment systems, generators, switchgear, transformers, and LVMDPs.
  • Familiar with ISO standards & proficiency in using AutoCAD for utility.

9. Production Supervisor

Qualifications :

  • Bachelor Degree in Food Technology, Chemical Engineering or related field.
  • Min. 2 years of experience in food & beverage industry, preferably in the dairy industry.
  • Having strong knowledge about GMP, HACCP, ISO 22000 8 9001, FSSC 22000 and Quality Management System
  • Familiar with Production Planning and Scheduling
  • Familiar with Improvement / Problem solving Tools, ie. DMAIC, GSTD, PDCA etc
  • Familiar with reoortina standards.

10. Production Operator

Qualifications :

  • Bachelor or Diploma Degree any major.
  • Min. 1 year experience in food or beverage manufacturing (prior experience as a production operator in UHT processing is a plus).
  • Flexible to work rotating shifts.
  • Team players with exceptional communication skills.
  • Highly motivated and accountable individuals.
  • Detail-oriented and technically inclined.
  • Computer savvy (Oracle, HRIS, Ms-Excel, Ms. PowerPoint)

11. In Line Inspector & Validator Operator

Qualifications :

  • Bachelor Degree in Food Technology, Chemical Engineering or related field.
  • Min. 1 year of experience in food & beverage industry, preferably in the dairy industry.
  • Proven work experience in the food industry, specifically in production processes from preparation to mixing and finished goods.
  • Good Knowledge of basic cleaning principles, both CIP and COD
  • Strong understanding of food safety and quality assurance principles.

12. RM/PM Reception Analyst

Responsibilities :

  • Verify all incoming raw material documents, such as certificates of analysis, delivery notes, halal certificates, and other relevant documents to ensure compliance with established specifications.
  • Collect random or procedural raw material samples for testing.
  • Conduct various physical and chemical tests on raw material samples, including moisture content, fat content, protein content, microbiological tests, and other contaminant tests.
  • Analyze test results and compare them to established specifications.
  • Reject non-compliant raw materials and inform relevant parties.

Qualifications :

  • Bachelor Degree in Food Technology, Chemical Engineering or related field.
  • Min. 1 year of experience in food & beverage industry, preferably in the dairy industry.
  • Experience working in a physical chemistry laboratory, especially in raw material testing for food products.
  • Proficiency in basic chemical analysis techniques such as titration, gravimetry, and the use of instruments like UHPLC, ICP-OS, spectrophotometry, and Kjeldahl.

13. Electrical Technician

Qualifications :

  • Bachelor or Diploma Degree in Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, or Mechatronics.
  • Min. 2 years of experience as an electrician specializing in power systems, low-voltage systems, and automation control systems.
  • Demonstrated expertise in industrial electrical systems, including wiring diagrams, PLC, SCADA, and control panel maintenance.
  • Possession of relevant electrical safety qualifications is highly desirable.

14. Worshop & Building Technician

Qualifications :

  • Bachelor/Diploma Degree or SMK in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering.
  • Min. 2 years of experience as an Engineer or Technician.
  • Good understanding of refrigeration systems, pumps and piping systems.
  • Good understanding of Preventive Maintenance and Predictive Maintenance principles.
  • Good knowledge of types, functions, and operating procedures for tooling

15. Mechanical Technician

Qualifications :

  • Bachelor/Diploma Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering.
  • Min. 2 years of experience as an Engineer or Technician.
  • Strong understanding of tightening, lubricating, and controlling principles.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of industrial machinery operation
  • In-depth knowledge of various types of mechanical tooling, their functions and usage.
  • Solid understanding of preventive and predictive maintenance principles.


Lengkapi, selanjutnya silahkan kirim Via Email ke PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company, Tbk dibawah ini.


Email Rekrutmen PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk
Subjek : Position – Name
Kirimkan CV terbaru format PDF 


Alamat PT Ultrajaya Milk Indutsry & Trading Company, Tbk
Jl. Raya Cimareme 131, Padalarang,
Bandung 40552



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